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Meet the Team
Our team consists of the in house TKPOA staff, third-party consultants and TKPOA homeowners who serve on the Board and subcommittees.
Video by Sierra Overhead Analytics
The TKPOA Board Memebers
Dave Peterson
Board President
Peter Grant
Board Vice President
Bryan Welsh
Board Treasurer
Sabine Litten
Board Secretary
Mark Acri
Board Director
Bonnie Halleran
Board Director
Joby Cefalu
Board Director
The TKPOA Waterways Committee
Joby Cefalu
Susan Chandler
Chris Disney
Pete Hagens
Mel Meyers
Joe Sherry
Tom Spencer
The TKPOA Staff
Hallie Kirkingburg
TKPOA General Manager
Kristine Lebo
Water Quality Manager & AIS Coordinator
Meghan Hoffmann
Enviornmental Scientist-Project Lead/GIS Tech
Moire Breslin
Environmental Scientist-Communications Specialist
Katie Terwilliger
Environmental Scientist-Programs Asst. Coordinator
Our Consultants
Dr. Lars Anderson
After 37 years of service, Dr. Lars Anderson retired from the USDA-ARS Exotic & Invasive Weed Research Unit, on December 31, 2011. His career focused primarily on the biology and management of invasive aquatic weeds; specifically, Egeria, hydrilla, water hyacinth, Eurasian watermilfoil, giant salvinia, curlyleaf pondweed and Caulerpa taxifolia, to name a few. His research included work on plant growth regulators, herbicide uptake and translocation, generating data to support aquatic herbicide registrations, and the development of effective management strategies using aquatic pesticides. His research also included evaluating the usefulness of non-chemical control technologies including triploid grass carp, herbivorous insects, plant pathogens and most recently, evaluating the efficacy of bottom barriers for aquatic weed control in Lake Tahoe.
Sierra Ecosystems Associates (SEA): Rick Lind
Mr. Lind is the president and owner of EN2/SEA and has over 40 years of experience specializing in California, federal and local environmental regulatory compliance, feasibility evaluations, and agency/public consultations, and has specific expertise in public agency project and program-related planning, development, and operations. He designs and manages large, complex, and multiple-party projects, and works constructively with resource and regulatory agencies to identify, address, and resolve critical issues to secure project/program authorizations.EMKO Environmental, Inc.:
Andy Kopania
Andy has been involved with the Water Quality Committee since 2014. During that time, he developed strong relationships with key staff and management at TRPA and Lahontan. He has over 30 years of professional experience supporting projects that must achieve local, state and/or federal regulatory approvals through agencies such as TRPA, numerous Regional Water Quality Control Boards throughout California, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
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